Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Honestly.. what is love?

what is love?? a question unanswered for centuries,
never have somebody able to give an accurate answer. but opinions.
so this is my opinion on love.

when we talk about love.
Our brain will start to produce image's of smile's, happyness, and a bonding between two person
So, in actual, love is something that you imagine it is.
I like to breakdown my view of LOVE into a few component:

- Love cant be separated from emotion, love are born through emotion's, on how we feel.
The feel of liking, Understanding, the feel of belonging.
Out of these three, i would like to emphasize the feel of liking the most, because, it's the basic
unit of love. Without it, there will never be love.

-Love is a reaction of the body, that releases hormones to the body , that is the very reason why
"love" exist. Love is stimulated by emotion, It allow our body to relax , and produce that feel
good felling that we have. Now, ill bring you to the brain,Based from the book "the female
brain" , i believe , love is the pillars that hold our brain together, its a memory connector.
Its the glue within, why? , we remember well the thing we love more than anything.
and when we love somebody, we are actually using his brain as a input for another memory.
For example, we rely on our partner for something, like paying the bills, driving the kids to
school, these simple things make it hard for us when we lose our partner's. As they have
become a part of us.

-A unique entry, and a very hard to explain too. Time is essential for love. Like a child,
love need time to grow. and we need to feed it, the food?
things that produce the good feeling to the brain.

-Is the most complicated creature god have created. Men will take 10 years to fully understand
a cat, but people, it requires a lifetime. Because we are different, this differences make us a
creature more dominance than any animals. But when it comes to love, differences is the
connection. why? A person is only meant for another person, like a puzzle. To love. A person
have to fill in the blanks of another person. They fill up the holes of their partner's

-change? we can't change what we need, but we can change what we can give!
Think about it..

That sum's up my opinion of love in general. love is a part of the soul. we are born with it,
like the law of physic's
Love can't be created nor destroyed
We just transfer it, and its a shame that sometimes we replace it with hatred


u-gave-me-butterflies said...

-change? we cant change what we need, but we CANT? change what we can give!
is it can or cant?

love is timeless.
btw, nice breakdown. :)

Izzah Saifudin said...

Good review my man :)

Anonymous said...

pengalaman ke yg mengajar anda membuat review begini..=p

shakina said...

nice lo hehehe:D