Friday, May 29, 2009


Silence, simple as it is, but a powerful tool man have failed to appreciate at times,
For some of us, it can only be obtained when we sleep, its a useful tool to help us sleep , but even more useful when we are conscious of it. Why would we want silent?? It's boring and unexciting, its even impossible when our friends are around.

let me show you on how to be silent:
  • Shut your mouth
  • Concentrate more on observing
  • When there is nothing worth hearing, just listen to a boring song that u barely pay attention to(headset).
  • And the most important part...Think'
What's the catch after doing this? , its the thinking part, when you have silent, you allow your mind to play in its own world. You actually buy time for your own mind, when you talk you use your mind but in a way you giving out information, silent allow us to build on information. Collect information too. One hobby of mine is putting on my headset in a crowded place, and just observe the way people work, communicate, and their culture. It's a beautiful thing. When we think, mostly we will think about the problems that we have and how to answer it. We all have that habit if thing get to freaking mess up, (our mind are like entangled wire's), we prefer it to be left alone until it disappear or be solved by its own, this is definitely a bad choice. i would recommend you guys to take yourself out of your daily habit's and just go somewhere in which where you can play with your mind. A place where silent is abundant.

What we say might make us look matured, but it's silence that grow us up. The more we are with silence , the more we have in this head.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dilemma Dua Alam

Ada masanya kite rase kehilangan, sesuatu di dalam hidup ini, aku pun juga pernah rasa kehilangan, apa yang aku tulis didalam blog ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman aku atau analisis perkara yang pernah berlaku didepan mataku sendiri. Adakalanya hidup ini amat keras, lembut, atau tiada.

Apabila hidup menjadi keras amat keras kepada hidup kita, kita inginkan kebebasan, dari masalah-masalah tersebut, dan bila kita tak tahan lagi, kita hanya meminta di beri satu hari untuk kita dilepaskan dari segala memori, diberi hidup baru untuk membina semula apa yang telah hancur.
tapi adakah kita sanggup untuk melepaskan semua yang tidak dimusnahkan juga??

Aku menulis ini specifically untuk golongan umur macam aku, late teens to young adults, kerana aku tahu, time2 ni lar kita berada di dalam tahap "confusion". Kita tak menentu tentang hidup, tiada kepastian dan tiada keselamatan tentang hari esok. Ada hari kita bergelak2 ada hari kita jatuh menangis. itulah kita. Masalah -masalah seperti memilih pekerjaan, hubungan, ibu bapa dan duit adalah suatu kepastian! hahahah... itulah kita,

Setelah aku teliti dan berfikir dalam2 pada tahap kemampuan aku. Aku rase masalah yang timbul ini banyak dilahirkan oleh ketamakkan hidup, ketamakkan untuk melebihi orang di sebelah kita, ataupun hanye terlalu mengejar langit lupa tanah dipijak, kita terlalu tidak sabar dan tidak berjaya untuk melihat masa depan.

Kita harus akui kita hidup dengan penuh impian tetapi penuh juga keraguan

Kita telah jatuh menjadi seseorang yang zalim terhadap diri sendiri, kita ingin memiliki sesuatu bukan milik kita lagi(not yet), sebelum layaknya kita.Kita lupa apa yang penting. Kita rasa bahawa ape yang dikatakan indah itu boleh dicapai pada waktu muda ini sedangkan kita masih terlalu awal untuk mengendalikannya, sebagai contoh:

-Cinta mungkin menambahkan seri dalam kehidupan kita ini.Tapi, Sangat perlukah kita terhadapnya bagaikan udara yang kita hirup? walaupun tidak, tapi apabila kita kehilangannya, kita bagaikan hampir mati dibenam kesedihan. Kita merasakan hidup kita ini kejam, tapi apda sebenarnya adalah kita yang kejam kepada diri kita kerana mengambil sesuatu yang tidak diperlukan lagi.

-Seberapa banyak duit kah kita perlu dan untuk aper? aku tahu, aku pun enjoy beli kasut, baju baru. tapi kenapa? untuk diperagakan kepada golongan apa? kepada rakan2? mereka juga golongan tiada pasti, golongan dewasa? mereka masih melihat kita ini kanak2. Duit sepatutnya kita gunakan dengan bijak. Pastikan tujuan setiap pembelian itu memberi manfaat dan lebih baik, manfaat pada masa2 akan datang.

-siapa yang tidak ingin dipandang tinggi? diberi penghargaan, di hormati dan diMInati, hahaha!
tapi apa yang telah kita lakukan?? lakukan untuk dapat penghargaan ini?, kebanyakkan kita hanya mengikut trend, memilik lebih duit dan berlagak cool, layakkah kitA?

The 3K,kebebasan,keseronokan & kesabaran
-Aku nak rase apa member2 aku ceritakan! macam best seyh! hahahaha...
Tiba2 parent's tak bagi, argh! kenapa member2 aku bley? alah, bukan ape2 pun,
parent aku tak nampak aper aku nampak. they all tak memahami.
sound familiar???
kebebasan adalah suatu benda yang amat merbahaya, yang dikawal oleh ibu bapa,
kesabaran memang tiada, kita ingin mersai semua seperti kita akan mati esok,
kesenorokan akan datang dari keinginan yang dipenuhi, adakah keinginan kita sentiasa baik?
pintas, di peringkat ini, kita senang lalai, lalu kite perlukan panduan. jika kita berpanduan, kita akan merasa setiap satu dari 3K ini, kerana panduan akan menjadi tali pengikat jiwa dari kelalaian, bersabarlar .

Banyak yang aku belajar dari setiap perkara yang berlaku jika aku berhenti seketika hanya untuk memikirkan tentang perkara itu. Bersendirian seketika waktu, bukanlar susah, try it.
Hidup ini bagi kita tidak lar sgt susah jika kita tahu aper yang kite perlukan dan tidak mengambil sesuatu yang belum boleh menjadi hak kita, kerana hidup kita memang tidak ada janji, kita hanye bersedia, bersedia cukup2 lar untuk kita mengambil hak kita itu..

Percaya, aku percaya, tiada langit tidak boleh dikecapi
tapi jika hanya aku tahun berapa jaraknya dari tanah aku berdiri,
supaya aku boleh bersedia dan bangun kembali apabila aku jatuh,
tapi aku bahagia, tanah telah menemani ku lama,
dia lar cinta.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life satisfaction

Don't we all want to feel satisfied after putting our effort on something?. The rewards.
for example, after putting on a lot of effort studying, we do want to get the A's, its a nature law, to get something we have to work on it.

And when we achieve what we wanted, the reward will come and we will be satisfied! simple.
But let us view this in a different perspective, in life.
In the United States Declaration of Independence, there it said:

That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

Human , only aim for one thing,that is Happyness.
Life and after death

based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation,[2] which he subsequently extended to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity.
he successfully divided the human needs and in an indirect way, the thing that satisfies us,human. He divided those thing in the pyramid above.

My question is, once the reward is ours, are we truly satisfied??
will we ever?
In my opinion, we will never ever be 100% satisfied.
and the worse part is when we are only satisfied when we get the rewards.
is that happyness? compared to the achieving ,work accumulate 99% of the time.
And we are only allowed 1% of the overall time to be happy??
For example.
If we hate our job, but the pay is good, we in terms to satisfy our need for money would take that job. But do we gain happyness? the only thing we enjoyed is the money or social rank's, nothing more.
If we look at the pyramid, money will fill the 2nd lowest part of it, just above our physiological need. and without enjoying what we do, we will be stuck there without going up the pyramid.

I believe, more satisfaction will be gain if we enjoy the work we do, instead of the rewards,
why? when we enjoy what we do:
  • We will be happy doing what we do
  • We can't get enough of what we do (we can't wait to do it again)
  • Life is less stressful
  • Security,when we work the reward will come(100%)
  • Time, instead of be happy for 1% due to the rewards, we are happy while putting on the effort
  • We will increase our Life quality.
  • We won't mind putting the extra effort when it become harder.
I can only list a few out of the possible hundred's of benefit's it may contain.
Sometimes, our mind are clouded with the BIG reward and forget the small rewards that make
our life better to live everyday.
Being a doctor or a lawyer or gaining the title "the most successful man in the world" doesn't promise eternal happyness.
It's enjoying doing the thing we love the most.
A stranger by the road may look like another person compared to a celebrity or a world leader.
but he may already achieve the thing he want's to achieve.
That is success.
But we still have to aim high.
And believe!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Adakah Gambar ngeri di kotak rokok berkesan??

Adakah gambar di kotak rokok berkesan??
hakikatnye tidak, rakyat malaysia kita ini sungguh bijak2 belaka,
mereka menggantikkan kotak rokok tersebut dengan kotak besi, dan paling membanggakan, menutup gambar tersebut dengan gambar2 indah putrajaya.

gambar ngeri ini lebih memberikan kesan kepada golongan wanita kerana kelembutan hati mereka yang tidak sanggup melihat perkara2 begitu, tetapi tidak kepada golongan lelaki.

Saya ingin mencadangkan agar kempen anti rokok dijalan kan oleh kementerian pembangunan wanita dan keluarga . kenapa??

Saya ingin mencadangkan agar semua wanita2 di malaysia memboikot lelaki2 yng merokok!

Bagi yang mencari pasangan,
-Pakai tag "anti perokok"
-larikan diri dari perokok
-"Jual mahal" kepada perokok
-Tidak mencari lansung perokok

Bagi yang dah berpasangan
-Merajok(wanita memang hebat bab ni)
-boikot untuk tidak dating!
-Tidak mengaku sbg GF ketika BoyFriend merokok!
-Mencuri rokok tersebut!
-Membuat muka comel ketika memujuk BF untuk tidak merokok!
-dan paling drastik, "abng, kita clash jelar, Abng couple jelar dengan jin2"

Bagi yang dah berkahwin
-Berpiket bersama anak2
-Tidor awal (ehem2! sendiri faham)
-Mencatu perbelanjaan suami
-Mendoakan agar dilembutkan hati suami
-Jika suami tidak merokok sehari,tidurlar lambat(ehem2)
-Jangan masak
-buat2 batuk ketika suami merokok, ajak anak2 join batuk juga.
-nasihat suami dengan lembut.

Dengan cadangan tersebut, saya rasa perokok lelaki akan merasakan kehilangan sesuatu di dalam hidup mereka. Kerana mereka memerlukan wanita didalam hidup.
namkan kempen ini "lelaki merokok,lelaki durjana"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Skema atau pandai?

Skema atau pandai? hurm...
sebelum itu, biar saya terangkan apa itu skeme dan aper itu pandai.

Skema a.k.a nerds:
1.Seseorang yang dilihat mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk buku!
2.Seseorang yang tidak melanggar peraturan
3.Seseorang yang tidak sosial
4.Seseorang yand mendapat A di dalam kelas.

Pandai a.k.a Bijak:
1.Seseorang yang mendapat apa yang mereka ingini.

Berdasarkan point2 di atas. Kedua2nya mempunyai persamaan yang sama iaitu, mereka berusaha untuk mencapai ape yang mereka ingini, walaupun seseorang itu tidak mendapat straight A ataupun gagal dalam beberapa subjek, ini tidak bermaksud mereka ini tidak pandai.

Apabila peperiksaan, mereka lebih menguji kepada Capacity otak seseorang (hafal pun boleh) tetapi tidak kepada cara kritisan dan pemikiran seseorang itu terhadap ilmu tersebut.
Ini tidaklah bermaksud bahawa semua budak2 skema pun hanya lar penghafal,

Yang penting bagi seseeorang untuk berjaya adalah keseimbangan dari setiap sudut,
jgn lar menjadi terlalu skema, dan jgn lar menjadi seseorang terlalu "hot" or "cool dude".

Kepandaian seseorang hanya boleh dinilai melalui kejayaan seseorang itu.Tidaklah pada
Berapa result mereka ataupun pekerjaan mereka. Tetapi pada mencapai aim mereka.


Is what you are.

You are the first to wake me and greet me after my death.
To kiss me and give me life.

Silent as you are.
You have no means for words, your existence is untouched by words.

Your shine, enlighten my souls from depression of the night.
Teaching me a new meaning of life.

The cold wind that blows,
Is like every touch and whisper from you to me.
Every blow whisper sure and comfort close to heaven.

Void is a foolish act to your sadness, your tears are dew's that calms the
Heat of yesterday sorrow.
Freezing the fire burning in a demon heart.

You may not stay, but you are forever.
I would curse upon the noon for coming.

I'm no King to take you prisoner.
But you are forever the Queen of this heart.

And everyday shall i wait for you,
For this throne has longed for you every moment.

Honestly.. what is love?

what is love?? a question unanswered for centuries,
never have somebody able to give an accurate answer. but opinions.
so this is my opinion on love.

when we talk about love.
Our brain will start to produce image's of smile's, happyness, and a bonding between two person
So, in actual, love is something that you imagine it is.
I like to breakdown my view of LOVE into a few component:

- Love cant be separated from emotion, love are born through emotion's, on how we feel.
The feel of liking, Understanding, the feel of belonging.
Out of these three, i would like to emphasize the feel of liking the most, because, it's the basic
unit of love. Without it, there will never be love.

-Love is a reaction of the body, that releases hormones to the body , that is the very reason why
"love" exist. Love is stimulated by emotion, It allow our body to relax , and produce that feel
good felling that we have. Now, ill bring you to the brain,Based from the book "the female
brain" , i believe , love is the pillars that hold our brain together, its a memory connector.
Its the glue within, why? , we remember well the thing we love more than anything.
and when we love somebody, we are actually using his brain as a input for another memory.
For example, we rely on our partner for something, like paying the bills, driving the kids to
school, these simple things make it hard for us when we lose our partner's. As they have
become a part of us.

-A unique entry, and a very hard to explain too. Time is essential for love. Like a child,
love need time to grow. and we need to feed it, the food?
things that produce the good feeling to the brain.

-Is the most complicated creature god have created. Men will take 10 years to fully understand
a cat, but people, it requires a lifetime. Because we are different, this differences make us a
creature more dominance than any animals. But when it comes to love, differences is the
connection. why? A person is only meant for another person, like a puzzle. To love. A person
have to fill in the blanks of another person. They fill up the holes of their partner's

-change? we can't change what we need, but we can change what we can give!
Think about it..

That sum's up my opinion of love in general. love is a part of the soul. we are born with it,
like the law of physic's
Love can't be created nor destroyed
We just transfer it, and its a shame that sometimes we replace it with hatred

the flight.. a poem for mother's

The Flight

wake up..
wake up mama...
today is the day,
to fell free and to fly to where you belong,
shuusshh... use those lips only to smile mama,
These wings of yours,
are healed,

it has been broken since the day you brought me to this world,
I can't promise that these wings are perfect,
but i do promise that these wings are ready for every
turn,hardship and pain as you,
have prepared it well.

I am no wing of deserving a permanent place with you mama,
these feather of mine is dirty and stained with your blood,
I'm sorry for the long wait
As you are,
An Angel of early and late,
An Angel of compassion and love,
An Angel that is untouched by time in this heart..